function getAge(myDate){
// myDate= new Date("7/12/1968")
var now = new Date();
var yr = now.getFullYear() - myDate.getFullYear();
var mo = now.getMonth() - myDate.getMonth();
if(mo < 0) {
mo = myDate.getMonth() - now.getMonth();
var days = now.getDate() - myDate.getDate();
if(days < 0) {
days = myDate.getDate - now.getDate();
var agestr = yr + " years, " + mo + " months, " + days + " days";
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Date DIff", agestr,"OK");
You can (should) enhance the function by checking the years, months and days for plurality and modifying the strings accordingly:
function getAge(myDate){
// myDate= new Date("7/12/1968")
var now = new Date();
var yrTxt = "year";
var moTxt = "month";
var dayTxt = "day";
var yr = now.getFullYear() - myDate.getFullYear();
if(yr != 1) {
yrTxt += "s";
var mo = now.getMonth() - myDate.getMonth();
if(mo < 0) {
mo = myDate.getMonth() - now.getMonth();
if(mo != 1) {
moTxt += "s"
var days = now.getDate() - myDate.getDate();
if(days < 0) {
days = myDate.getDate - now.getDate();
if(days != 1) {
dayTxt += "s";
var agestr = yr + " " + yrTxt + ", " + mo + " " + moTxt + ", " + days + " " + dayTxt;
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Date DIFF", agestr,"OK");
Happy age calculating...